Find and replace


Use Find and replace to find and replace text in your document, including text frames. Use the Find tab to find text. Use the Replace tab to find and replace text. Both functions begin searching forward from the current position of the cursor in your document.


NOTE: You can use the mouse to select a block of text to search, rather than search the entire document.




  1. Click the Find tab.

  2. Type the text to find in the Find what field.

  3. Check Match case if you want the search to be case-sensitive.

  4. Click Find next to begin searching. Whenever matching text is found, the search will pause, scroll to and highlight the matching text found. Click Find next again to find further occurrences.


Find and replace


  1. Click the Replace tab.

  2. Type the text to find in the Find what field.

  3. Type the text to replace found text with in the Replace with field.

  4. Check Match case if you want the search to be case-sensitive. This will find as well as replace text in the exact case you type it in both fields.

    After replacing text you should proof the document for proper capitalization.

  5. Click Find next to begin searching.

  6. When the search finds matching text, click Replace to replace the found occurrence. Click Find next to find further occurrences.

  7. Click Replace all to replace all occurrences without being prompted for each. When finished, a dialog appears to display the total number of replacements made. Click OK.