About Today's business

Today's business provides you with a quick reminder of all your scheduled events for the day, or any specified date range. It tracks your activity shortfall for a certain length of time, depending on the activity reminder "drop off" setting. This ensures you don't forget about important tasks that you have had to put on hold.

The Today's business Summary page shows you a numeric count of each scheduled activity type and gives you instant access to the individual activities themselves. Click the activity type link to review the details of each event one-by-one and mark them "done" as they are completed. You can also access each activity type by choosing the corresponding item from the Today's business menu.

Important:  Scheduled appointments or timed calls that are not linked to a contact record will be deleted from your database after one year. If you don't want them deleted, make sure that you link them to the associated contact record when you schedule them. Doing this allows you keep a permanent database record of appointments and calls.