Viewing or editing a contact

To open the Contact details page: From the Contacts menu, click Address book. Select the contact you want to view. From the action menu, click View or edit contact.

Use the Contact tab on the Contact details page to enter their birthday, contact and property details, information about their family or friends, property information and much more.

If you are part of a team or partnership account, the top right of the contact's record displays the agent that is assigned to the contact.

To modify a contact record

  1. Click the contact's name to edit name information and other personal details, such as their birthday and assistant/family/friend information.

  2. Click Contact information to add or modify the contact's phone numbers, web site addresses, email address, and more.

  3. Click Contact types to assign contact types so that you can perform effective target marketing in the future. More Info:

    • Select one or more contact types from the list.

    • Click Modify list to add a contact type. Enter the new contact type, and then click OK.

  4. Important:  Assigning at least one contact type to each contact is extremely important, as this is the most powerful tool you will use when performing precise target marketing.

  5. Click Properties to manage the contact's multiple properties, if applicable.

  6. Click Next call date, Appointments, or Action plan to schedule a call or appointment or apply an action plan.

  7. If any calls, appointments or action plans are assigned to this contact, the activity's date or plan name appears in the drop-down list box. Click the appropriate link to modify the activity or modify the applied action plan.

  8. In the Source field, specify the origin of the contact. If the lead originated from a web site, the source already appears.

  9. Setting the source will mark the contact as a lead, enabling you to view it from the Lead manager.

  10. If the contact is a lead, click Inquiry form to select an inquiry form.

  11. The form you selected will not be saved unless you have specified the origin of the contact in the Source field.

  12. Use the Urgency field to rate this contact's priority in relation to your other active contacts.

  13. Click the Contact notes, Listing notes, or Closing notes tabs to view notes specific to the contact.

  14. Note:  The Listing and Closing notes tab will only be displayed if the selected contact has a listing or closing linked to their record.

  15. Click the Customer web page tab to view the contact's customer web page information.

  16. Click Close.

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